Our hospital is well equipped for dental procedures. These procedures include ultrasonic cleaners, high-speed drills, and digital dental radiology. Radiographs of all teeth are vital to evaluating the health of the tooth bone below the gumline.
Because pets develop periodontal infections and tooth root abscesses, just like people, but cannot communicate when they have a toothache, dental disease in pets often progresses to a very serious health problem.
All teeth are radiographed to evaluate the tooth beneath the gums. Teeth that are loose or abscessed as a result of periodontal disease can cause a constant source of pain and infection. These teeth need to be extracted.
Ultrasonic Cleaning & Polishing
The teeth are thoroughly cleaned using an ultrasonic dental scaler to remove all tartar. The remaining teeth are polished with a high-speed polisher, thereby slowing future tartar accumulation.